  • 2024年6月10日
  • 5分钟阅读


与国防科学的伙伴关系 & 科技实验室提高其商务旅行的可持续性

全球移动服务提供商Enterprise mobility已与 国防科学技术实验室 (Dstl),一个执行机构 国防部,以加强其商务旅行的可持续性. Through this strategic partnership, Dstl has implemented a customised package using 企业汽车俱乐部企业租车. 这种合作改变了Dstl的商务旅行, 显著减少对环境的影响,取得显著成效.

With the deployment of nearly 100 企业汽车俱乐部 vehicles on-site at three locations in Wiltshire 和 Hampshire, Dstl现在拥有美国最大的商务汽车俱乐部车队之一.K. 这大大减少了车辆运送和收集的需要, 结果估计减少了372人,000 miles 和 an impressive saving of more than 100 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) supply chain emissions within a 12-month period (February 2022 to January 2023). 从这个角度来看, 减少的排放量相当于从伦敦希思罗机场飞往悉尼, 澳大利亚超过30次.

Dstl’s commitment to being a responsible member of the community 和 aligning its supply chain with its social value priorities is at the forefront of its business travel approach. It is one of the reasons why the on-site 汽车俱乐部 programme is a convenient solution: it means employees can opt for public transport for their daily commute 和 help to minimise traffic 和 noise pollution, 同时在工作中有车辆进行必要的商务旅行.

此外, the entire Dstl workforce can enrol in the virtual on-street network provided by 企业汽车俱乐部, 授予他们大约1的访问权限,美国有500辆汽车.K.

强调可持续性, Dstl的汽车俱乐部车队包括越来越多的电动汽车, allowing employees to opt for zero emission transportation options that are better for the environment. 此外, Dstl使用的所有企业车辆都比一般汽车更新, 为更清洁、更环保的交通解决方案做出贡献.

除了现场车队, Dstl employees can rent vehicles for business travel through 企业租车’s extensive branch network. This flexibility is particularly beneficial during peak periods throughout the year. 其分支机构位于美国93%的地区10英里内,交通便利.K. 人口, Enterprise Mobility ensures that Dstl’s workforce has access to vehicles at the office or at home, 即使在农村地区.

BET9九州体育娱乐入口解决方案, Dstl为其他机构树立了一个值得赞扬的榜样, showcasing how flexible 和 sustainable transportation options can be seamlessly integrated.


\r\n"There has been strong evidence of the potential of on-site 汽车俱乐部s in helping to reduce emissions from employee travel, 而Dstl就是一个很好的大规模的例子," Enterprise Mobility Head of Business Rental Development for the U.K. & 爱尔兰安德鲁·布兰德补充道. "On-site 汽车俱乐部s act as a catalyst for better employee travel habits. 这个项目的证据是,员工开车上下班的次数减少了, 例如, because they know there’s a vehicle at the office if they need one for a business trip.


\r\n"Dstl’s commitment to being a responsible member of the community 和 aligning its supply chain with its social value priorities is at the forefront of its business travel approach – 和 it is also demonstrating the value of collective effort 和 collaboration to think differently about employee mobility. 


\r\n"Any organisation with employees who drive personal cars for work, 或者是经营一个拼车车队, 能否从现场汽车俱乐部获益.”


\r\n作为值得信赖的合作伙伴, Enterprise Mobility continues to provide Dstl with tailored consultations 和 bespoke solutions to meet their evolving transport needs.


\r\n如欲进一步了解企业汽车会的商务租车计划,请 点击这里.

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“We are incredibly proud of the collective effort 和 collaboration that has led to this remarkable outcome,地政总署首席产业合约经理巴伯说. "The emission savings resulting from the expansion of our dedicated 企业汽车俱乐部 programme exemplify the immense potential of business 汽车俱乐部s in driving positive environmental change.

"One of the key advantages to having the vehicles on site is that there is a lesser need to transport vehicles to 和 from the rental branches. This reduction in miles travelled not only contributes to the improvement of local air quality but also helps to ease traffic congestion, 尤其是在交通高峰期, 在我们经营的区域内. 这些好处超出了我们自己的运营范围, positively impacting our local communities 和 fostering a more sustainable transportation system.”

方便无缝预订, employees use the Enterprise Travel Direct (ETD) platform on their phones or desktops. ETD is a comprehensive journey assessment 和 booking system that combines daily rental, 汽车俱乐部, 拼车服务, enabling employees to select their preferred mode of business travel based on real-time availability.

The dedicated 企业汽车俱乐部 vehicles are equipped with telematics technology to capture data on utilisation, mileage 和 emissions to help effectively tailor Dstl’s approach to business travel. 例如, 通过回顾旅程距离, Dstl can determine the number of vehicles that could transition to electric vehicles in the future, 进一步加强可持续发展工作.

作为定制套餐的一部分, Enterprise Mobility assigns a dedicated professional responsible for on-site vehicle servicing 和 maintenance, 包括清洁和小修. 另外, 企业移动提供了有价值的商业智能, 报告, 和 specialist consultancy services to support Dstl at every stage of their journey.

Dstl’s collaboration with Enterprise Mobility has yielded remarkable results in reducing carbon emissions, 降低里程, 提高他们商务旅行实践的可持续性. 通过利用企业汽车俱乐部和企业租车的BET9九州体育娱乐入口解决方案, Dstl为其他机构树立了一个值得赞扬的榜样, showcasing how flexible 和 sustainable transportation options can be seamlessly integrated.

"There has been strong evidence of the potential of on-site 汽车俱乐部s in helping to reduce emissions from employee travel, 而Dstl就是一个很好的大规模的例子,美国企业移动业务租赁发展主管.K. & 爱尔兰安德鲁·布兰德补充道. “公司内部的汽车俱乐部可以促进员工养成更好的出行习惯. 这个项目的证据是,员工开车上下班的次数减少了, 例如, because they know there’s a vehicle at the office if they need one for a business trip.

"Dstl’s commitment to being a responsible member of the community 和 aligning its supply chain with its social value priorities is at the forefront of its business travel approach – 和 it is also demonstrating the value of collective effort 和 collaboration to think differently about employee mobility. 

“任何有员工开私家车上班的机构, 或者是经营一个拼车车队, 能否从现场汽车俱乐部获益.”

作为值得信赖的合作伙伴, Enterprise Mobility continues to provide Dstl with tailored consultations 和 bespoke solutions to meet their evolving transport needs.

如欲进一步了解企业汽车会的商务租车计划,请 点击这里.


企业移动是一个领先的供应商 移动解决方案 包括租车, 车队管理, 灵活车辆租赁, 车, 中型客运共乘, 车租赁, 奢侈品租赁, 零售汽车销售和车辆订购, 以及其他运输技术服务和解决方案, 让顾客的出行更便捷. 企业移动,包括其子公司、特许经营商和联属公司, 企业车队管理他管理着一支由2人组成的多样化船队.通过近900万辆汽车的综合网络,500 fully staffed neighborhood 和 airport rental locations in more than 90 countries 和 territories. 由圣泰勒家族私人持有. 路易斯,企业移动管理 企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 品牌.